• Opening Hours: Mon-Fri: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Need Assistance? Call Us Now! Phone: 703-429-0392 | Fax: 703-429-0631
Care personalized to your unique circumstances and needs

At Nova Home Care Connection LLC, we offer a personalized service designed to support a range of circumstances and medical conditions.

At the core of our services is a philosophy of offering person-centered, high-quality care services unique to each person. This means our expert care coordinators can design a tailored, flexible solution that provides the right amount of support for you and your care requirements.

How We Can Help

At Nova Home Care Connection LLC, we support you to continue doing the things that you enjoy and love, while feeling safe and secure and enjoying the comfort and independence of living at home. We offer a broad range of care services to children, adults, and seniors who need extra assistance, be it due to illness, injury, or advanced age.

Our services are customized to every person through a personal care plan and are delivered by highly-trained caregivers who are some of the best in the industry.

Our services include:

Caregiver looking at elderly

Home Health Aide Services

Smiling People

Personal Care Services

Caregiver smiling to elderly

Respite Services

People hugging

Companion Services

happy children

Children with Special Needs

Happy people

Skilled Nursing Services

Caregiver talking to elderly

Private Duty Nursing Services

People smiling

Private Pay Services

Caregiver hugging elderly

Hospice Support Care

Caregiver and elderly smiling

Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care

Caregiver combing hair

Daily Living Assistance

Here for You and Your Family

First and foremost, we exist to serve our clients. We listen closely to your preferences and concerns and provide bespoke solutions that best meet your needs. Through our services at Nova Home Care Connection LLC, we aim to provide you and your family with complete peace of mind at home.

Talk to Us

We understand that our clients’ needs don’t necessarily fit into a single category. So, please don’t hesitate to contact us so that we can discuss your individual situation.